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Introducing Eloquentize: The Unified Dashboard for Laravel Apps

Modified on Mar 15, 2024

Managing multiple Laravel projects just got easier with Eloquentize. The missing tool in your laravel stack

The first useful thing I ever coded was in February 2003, it was called (still) plpage (for personal launch page) and it was a simple online bookmark manager. I needed it, it barely existed (not in this form). It was fun to do, it was my first saas, 23 years ago, 40k users, 2 Million links.

I will not detail my entire developer career here, but it is essential to mention my encounter with Laravel nearly ten years ago. When I resumed my freelance activity, I discovered Laravel 5, an experience that proved to be a real breath of fresh air. The "web artisan" philosophy proposed by Taylor Otwell and the remarkable efficiency of this tool immediately won me over. Since that day, literally all my projects, side projects as well as client projects are realized with Laravel.

The Laravel community is incredible, the tools are formidably efficient, pestphp by Nuno Maduro, Herd by Beyond Code, AlpineJs by Caleb Porzio, Filamentphp by Dan Harrin and Zep Fietje, Laravel Pint, I must thank all these people for their incredible tools.

Now I come to eloquentize. With the number of projects I manage, Laravel forge is roughly the best investment I've made in years. But I recently realized that I was missing a brick in my ecosystem. Namely, a unified dashboard for all my Laravel projects, giving me the ability to ensure at a glance that all the projects I manage are working correctly, but not from a server point of view as ohdear does very well, but from a data point of view and therefore from the point of view of eloquent, hence the name: Eloquentize.

Today, I am thrilled to launch this tool, and I welcome any questions or feedback you may have. The documentation is currently available, but please keep in mind that some aspects of the tool may evolve and change based on user feedback and suggestions. I am always looking for ways to improve and enhance the tool, so your input is invaluable. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or ideas. Let's work together to make this tool the best it can be!

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