Monitor all your Laravel projects in one place, showcasing crucial metrics across applications.
Get summaries, highs, and lows of your app's numbers without the headache.
From financials to user stats, get daily summaries, averages, and more with powerful aggregation tools.
Show what's important with custom dashboards, keeping it simple.
Filter out the noise and focus only on the data you need, clear and straightforward.
Spot differences and trends between your apps with a glance.
A Source in Eloquentize is a complete representation of your Laravel application, including its identity, environment context, and monitoring configuration. When you run Eloquentize from a server for the first time, it automatically creates a Source profile using your APP_URL and environment settings as the foundation for comprehensive monitoring.
A command that runs automatically every day allows you to retrieve data from your eloquent models.
php artisan eloquentize:models-count
Once you define the key indicators you want to track, you can easily add them to the console.php file.
You can track revelant properties of your models with aggregation functions.
php artisan eloquentize:property-aggregate Bill price sum
With the eloquent columns convention, you can track revelant events of your models.
php artisan eloquentize:models-count --event=updated_at
With the models-count-legacy command, you can explore and retrieve Eloquent metrics from the initial launch of your application.
php artisan eloquentize:models-count-legacy
Because the data of interest to the Devs isn't necessarily the data of interest to the manager or end-user, dashbords are customizable by user.
Overseeing more than ten Laravel applications for both myself and my clients ( without counting preprod and test), I found myself in need of a solution that provided a quick, comprehensive overview of each app's health from a single dashboard.
That's exactly why Eloquentize was created. It began as a personal tool to meet my own needs for efficient application management.
With the team functionality we can share a dashboard that assembles the most important data we manage and easily follow the evolution of our projects from a data point of view.
Project-based implementation was quick and easy to assimilate..
Implement the eloquentize library for each of your applications, define key indicators and obtain a dashboard that unifies your critical data of each app at a glance.
Don't overload your dev team with statistics. Eloquentize can provide you with the data you need to know if your application is doing well or not.
Eloquentize offloads this responsibility to our server. The library simply reads the data encrypted via Eloquent and publishes the data via the API.
With a user-configured dashboard you can create a specific dshboard that displays only certain data for different roles.
You can easily retrieve the average amount of invoices generated by your application for each day. averages, maximums, minimums, you can use eloquent's aggregation on any numerical property.
Understand eloquentize in 3 minutes
Learn what Eloquentize can do for your business ✨SOLO
The Eloquentize Solo plan offers the ability to monitor one laravel application.
The Eloquentize Advanced Plan offers the ability to manage multiple laravel apps and give access to customers/team members to specific dashboards.
The Eloquentize Business Plan, with Dedicated support for your business. Overview for all your laravel projects.
5 days free trial for all plans
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